During today’s episode we discussed the following questions and answers. You can listen to the episode as a podcast from HERE. And here is the transcript of this podcast episode.

Question 1: In many parts of the world people celebrate Easter today. Is there something we need to know regarding this?

Answer: We’ve spoken to you many times about religion and its role and purpose in your society. As far as a tradition unites you, makes you happy, and lights you up—by all means, keep doing it. If a tradition, however, makes you feel judged or inferior in some way—ditch it.

Easter, for most people celebrating it, is a symbol of confirmation that what Jesus told you was true. It is also a confirmation that he died for your sins and got reborn, i.e. he was fine afterwards—hey, no hard feelings, and the sins were indeed wiped out. Well… this is a nice fairytale twist—one that makes you feel like small, bad children, who should be grateful to your savior and feel ashamed of who you are. Do you like feeling that way? Don’t all the movies and stories about how Jesus was tortured, and betrayed make you cringe and feel bad about what evil creatures humans are? And then maybe you think: “To be honest, we haven’t changed much since then… I’m pretty sure people will react now the same way they reacted back then… how terrible… this world is doomed… we are doomed.” And because these stories make you uncomfortable and said, you focus more on the celebrations of the day, on the tasty food, the family around you, the fun activities you planned, and the days off you get from work.

So… do you think Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross was worth it? Let’s say he wiped your sins away with his final breath… was it worth it? Or did humanity immediately start accumulating new sins again? You know what happened—the second he died somewhere in the world a person was killed, a woman was raped, someone got mugged. So… it was all for nothing? What a moron Jesus was… to sacrifice himself for you and then… it all lasted just a second before you stupid, evil humans started accumulating sins again. And what now…? Do you think he’ll be dumb enough to come again and to another such utterly useless act of self-sacrifice for you?

Let us break the news for you—no, he’s not that dumb at all 😊. And no… he didn’t hope to wipe all your sins away. His role was to hold a mirror for you—the mirror of love. His role was to show you who you are—that even when you are in the deepest despair, you can raise above the ashes. His role was to make you recognize how strongly you can love and what a forgiving, loving heart you have. He showed you an aspect of you—an aspect that you should cultivate. In effect he said: “I am like you. You are like me. Recognize this and focus on it, because where you put your focus on is what grows.” Imagine it like a garden in spring—your crops, together with some wildflowers, and some weeds grow equally fast—what would you like to focus on and tend? When you do nothing the crops, the flowers, and the weeds will thrive… and you will feel like your inner garden is a mess… and it is. When you think that the weeds are anyway stronger and it’s useless to do anything to tend your crops… the weeds will take over your garden and it will be very difficult to rid it of them later. But when you focus on the crops and the flowers you will rid your garden of the weeds, will plant the flowers and the crops appropriately and will have a great harvest and a beautiful garden. This is what Jesus came to do and what he succeeded to do with flying colors—he taught you what the crops are, what the flowers, and what the weeds and he showed you how to tend your garden. THIS is what you can celebrate and be grateful for. The way he died is pointing you towards the weeds in your garden—don’t think they are stronger than you are—focus on the crops and how to tend for them.

Happy Easter.


Question 2: Illnesses have a deeper reason for surfacing. Our body often gets sick, because of some mental or emotional imbalance. Nowadays it is very popular to be sick of the corona virus. What is its underlying mental and emotional pattern?

Answer: There are many reasons people get sick or die. Some get sick, because they simply need a break from the craziness of life and their subconscious “forces” them to take a break, by putting a stick into the spikes of their wheel. Others get sick because, indeed, the imbalances on other finer levels are getting so big that their body can’t hold the fort anymore. People, who get sick with respiratory illnesses have some things in common and here we are to list some of them. Such people are afraid of what the future might bring; they are judgmental of others; they see themselves as victims; they complain a lot; they feel desperate at times. All these emotions stop the flow of life and your flow of life is being supported on the front line by your lungs—you breathe, therefore you live. If you notice that something starts happening with your breathing and your lungs ask yourself—what are you afraid of, whom are you judging, and whom are you blaming for your misfortunes… and work on resolving this energy. We’ll give you a hint—you need not be afraid of anything (you can prepare, but need not fear), you should NEVER judge another being for his choices or deeds (that’s God’s work, not yours), and you should never blame another for the condition of your life. The way your life is at this current moment depends entirely on the choices you have done in your life. Just think about you and your classmates—you could say you had a similar start in life… and then what happened… who some ended up wildly successful and others not? We’re sorry to break it up to you, but… it is you who is creating your life and the results you are seeing. And we do not say this to you to judge you… (pun intended 😉), but to tell you that just like you have the power to screw your life up, you have the power to build it up. Ask yourself now what are three things you can do TODAY to improve your life—what habits can you change, which person can you contact, which task can you finish? Take the rains of your life in your hands—it is you, who came here to be a beautiful creator… not a whining imp. Do you like the world you see around you…? Yes? Great! No? Well… it’s a reflection of you—fix the reflecting object and the reflection will change, too.


Question 3: Why are there different religions in the world? Religions that talk about one God and religions that talk about many gods?

Answer: Why are there people with different skin colors in the world? Why are there so many different types of flowers? Why are not all planets the same? Diversity is the beauty of life, child. The world is an expression of me, and I have so many different faces, facets, and forms. The beauty and magic of life lies within the myriad of possibilities of expression there are. And just like hundred different poets will describe one flower in hundred different ways, so have the different religions described me in different ways. Some have seen the core of me and have described me as one thing (which I am not—I am all things that exist); some have described and named different aspects of me and have dedicated their lives on studying these separate aspects (which I am also not, for one part of me cannot be separated from the others, for it is all One). The different “gods” from the different religions you have are simply different aspects of me that people have tried to describe. Either approach of trying to describe me is valid. Btw, you, too, are an aspect of me. Do you exist? Yes. Are you all that I am? No.

What you call “enlightenment” in your plane of existence is understanding fully my expression into this plane of existence; then you can continue to the next one plane of interest, if you so choose. It is however important to know, dear child, that you do not need to know me in my entirety—you are part of me and I am within you. When you so choose, you can return back to me and merge fully back into me and then and only then you will know me.

A hidden question within your question is: “Which religion is the right one?” I know that from your perspective they might be saying contradictory things… and they are at times. However, know that no human can know, understand, and explain me fully and correctly. The beings, who grounded the different religions put their own flavor and understanding into it. A person is as flawed as an unpolished piece of coal and as perfect as the diamond within. Do not judge your brothers and sisters of different religions. You should rather join your efforts and try to combine your different understandings, in order to receive as full of a picture as possible. However—you do not need to. You do not need somebody else to tell you who I am. You know who I am. You are me and I am within you. You know me, dear child. Trust your inner knowing and trust that the inner knowing of another is their way of viewing the pieces of me that they are embodying.