Akashic records seminar
Dates (6 meetings)
3:00 – 6:00 pM (GMT+3 time zone)
350 Euro
The Akashic Records contain the memory of what has been, the knowledge of what is, and the awareness of what might come. The Records can be seen like a collection of the imprints of every thought, action, emotion, and experience that has ever taken place in the universe(s).
We each have our own Akashic Record and can learn to access it, in order to receive information and guidance. We can also learn to access the Records of others, read from them, and consult them when asked to do so.
The Akashic Records are the so-called “Book of God”, mentioned in many ancient texts. They are guarded by the Lords of the Records. Imagine you could have the answer to any question you have ever had. What would you ask?
Hello, my name is Yana. I have been working for more than 10 years with the Akashic Records.
It is my passion and my honor to spread the words of the Lords of the Akashic Records and to show the path to others, who want to do the same.
Feel free to read my full story here, but don’t allow yourself to get distracted from the main point – you yourself entering the Records.
- access your own Akashic Record
- identify and release any subconscious, energy patters that might be in your way
- learn what your soul’s mission on Earth is, for this lifetime
- learn a multitude of energy-work tools to support your growth
- access the Akashic Records of others and conduct professional Akashic Record consultations
- learn protocols for working with others
- make a magnificent impact in your life as well as your clients’ lives
- more details can be found below…
SEMINAR Logistics:
This online live seminar will use ZOOM as a platform. If you have never used ZOOM, don’t worry, it is very easy! You will recieve a link in your email and all you need to do is click this link and follow the messages on your screen. You can use any device, connected to the internet – laptop, PC, tablet, smart phone.
We will meet 6 times, over three weekends. The meetings will be recorded and you will recieve a recording of the meeting, which you will be able to view up to a month after the end of the seminar. BUT it is highly encouraged that you attend each meeting in person.
If you would know the answer to any question, what would you ask?
If you could speak with anyone, who would that be?
If you could never feel lost again, what would you do next?
– How to access your own Akashic Records –
You will learn the skills that allow you to connect to your Akashic Record at any given time and location. This seminar is very practical. The exercises are designed to prove to you that you’re accessing your Akashic Records.
This module includes:
- Learning what the Akashic Records are, who resides there and what type of information you can receive from the Akashic Record’s Keepers.
- Energy attunements, in order for you to prepare yourself for entering the sacred space of the Records.
- The sacred pathway prayer for entering the Akashic Records.
- Identify and track patterns that no longer serve you, find the origin of these patterns and how to shift them.
- Contact ancestors and loved ones.
- How to feel one with God/Source.
- Be sure that the answers you receive come from the Records and not from your ego-mind or some other source.
- Shift your cellular structure and energy on the DNA-Level.
- Cut energetic cords to disconnect yourself from past lives, unconscious patters, or bad relationships.
- Re-create and maintain your connection to God/Source/Divine.
- Learn to channel information from the Records through all available channels and senses.
– How to access someone else’s Akashic Records –
You are not ready to learn how to give readings from the Akashic Records to others. This will, of course, give you the opportunity to help and support people on their earthly and spiritual path, but it will also aid your own evolution.
This module includes:
- The sacred prayer to open the Akashic Records of another being, group of beings, places, animals, etc.
- How to skillfully give readings for others.
- Find the origin of your client’s health issue, behavior patterns, and challenges; assist them in creating a more beneficial outcome.
- Align, balance and uplift others through the Spirit of the Akashic Records.
- Work from a space of unconditional love and compassion.
- Release issues on a karmic level for yourself and your clients.
- Work with the so-called grace points (special Akashic body points) to release any negative subconscious pattern.
- See the world from the eyes of the Creator/God/Source.
- Master giving Akashic Records readings for others.
- Skyrocket your own earthly and spiritual developement.
- Learn how to help and support those you love.
Students’ Feedback
Patric’s Feedback
The video is in Polish with English subtitles. Patric was one of the students, who attended the Level 1&2 seminar in Poland. He attended the seminar, together with his family and they all had a wonderful time, as you will hear.
Emma’s Feedback
” It’s been a year since I attended the seminar under the guidance of Yana. It was a difficult and at the same time magical time in my life. I went there with a broken heart. It’s been two months since my mom passed away and actually, that’s the most I’ve sought to contact her and confirm if she’s on the other side where she should be. The answers came quickly and tears flowed….. every day. Sometimes from sadness, but mostly from joy and love. Constantly supported by guides and good souls, both there and here on earth, I went through the process of releasing blocks that were ready to change. I was shown where they came from and how to work with them.. and at the end, it was total magic! I have seen a world made of love, LOVE, which is in every living being, in every plant, animal, human, who is the builder of this world! You need to open your eyes and look at the world with different eyes… Through the eyes of love. I’m grateful for this time and process I went through then, brought a lot of new things into my life. I want to develop this and support others on this journey. Because I believe that one of the reasons we get down is to support each other. “ ~ Emma
Akasha is a sea of information and finest energy. It is a space of only spirit, divine wisdom and love. All the questions ever asked or ever to be asked have their answers here. It is the field that holds all the outcomes of all the possibilities in a loving space of free-will.
Accessing this field of eternal information has been available to only selected few in the past, as one needed to go through an extensive cleansing and purification before being allowed to step into this space. It is not a “physical” space, but it is connected to the physical space through the truth of all that is. Nowadays anyone willing, is able.
You have been preparing lifetimes upon lifetimes for this step.
Contact Me
Yana Mileva