About Me
My Qualifications
Akashic Records Teacher, by Gabrielle Orr
Start of my Akashic records journey, with Maureen St. Germain
Certified Hypnosis Therapist, at TherMedius Institut
Enwaken Energy Coach, by David Morelli
Akashic Records Teacher, by Athena Santoriniou
Akashic Records Seminar, by Ernesto Ortiz
My Soul’s Journey
I am a soul, like any other being, who is here to experience love and accumulate wisdom. My essence resides in joy, ease and lightheartedness. Like any of you, I have had the questions in me since a very early age — who am I?; what is the point of all this?; where did we come from?; how does one find his/her path in life?; what is my purpose in life?; when will I meet my soul mate :)? We’ve all been there at some point in our lives. Those questions have been dormant in me since very early childhood and since then I’ve been always searching for their answers.
In the beginning I started from the only place I knew — books. I read tons and tons of books. I even found myself in a situation when I had to deliberately sit and at least read the classical literature books, as spiritual books were so much more interesting to me. A spiritual book brings a lot of messages to you and has the potential to transform your life. That is what I’ve always been on the search for — a real understanding and a real transformational “miracle”.
Later in life, I delved into learning the art of martial arts and understanding that physical strength is quite irrelevant, while the energy is the real wheel of the “battle ship”. The take-away for me from my martial arts practices was the knowledge of static and dynamic meditations. That was the first time when I felt connected with the flow of the universe and could feel the density of and the energy in the air.
Tons of more books and a few university degrees later, I discovered the magic of Internet and its vast sea of information. “When the Student is ready, the Teacher will come.” — this has been so true for me, as a year after I’ve watched parts of “What The Bleep Do We Know?”, I finally realized what I actually saw. My teacher finally “came”, even though “he” has always been there, but has remained unnoticed from me, until I was “ready to see”. The gateway for me was the movie “The Secret”, which revealed to me the world of the energetic universe, the divine plan and the divine laws. This time books and movies weren’t enough for me anymore. I was ready for a “real” teacher of flesh and blood (not paper and ink).
My eternal gratitude goes to all of my teachers, who shared their love and wisdom with me. The person who introduced me to the Law of Attraction was Bob Doyle — he has the most extensive program out there on the Law of Attraction, which sums up to: find your passion; clear your blocks; go for it. I did clear “a few” road blocks of energy on the way, but even before I could finish Bob’s program, David and Kristin Morelli crossed my path — I was introduced to their “Everything Is Energy” radio show. On the radio show they were showing people that everything in the Universe is made out of vibrating energy. I was absorbing their words like a thirsty sponge.
My drive and passion for knowledge and digging deeper for the answers led me to joining David and Kristin’s energy programs. While I was clearing layer after layer of personal “beliefs and truths”, things were more and more clicking in place. One of the biggest miracles that manifested in my life “out of thin air” (aka universal energy), has been the discovery of my passion for coaching — experience that makes my soul sing and my heart swell with love, joy and gratitude. My work with David and Kristin was the base for me meeting a star-sky of incredible people, with each one of them bringing more love, wisdom and compassion in my life. I had graduated from David’s year-long “Enwaken” coaching program, that is designed to create rock-star coaches! Hadn’t it been for this program, I do not wish to think where my life would have gone.
I was consciously introduced to the concept of “Akasha” in 2011. When I think about it though, the knowledge of this finest energy field has been at the corner of my eye since my childhood, introduced in the spiritual texts of the books I was reading. I remember holding a book and thinking “wow… it must be really cool to be able to ask a question, any question, and get the right answer!”. I can only giggle now, thinking of all the questions I could have asked back then; I can only gasp in awe at knowing their answers now. The fairy who held my hand and led me through the doors of the Akashic Records is Maureen St Germain — a person of highest integrity, love and… no bullsh**. I love her power, strength of spirit and determination. But how otherwise can one act, than being bold and daring in creating, when the wisdom of the Akashic field is always available and ready to connect :)? A major shout-out goes to the Akashic teachers who took me under their loving wings later in my journey, and especially to Gabrielle Orr, Milush Kadiev, Athena Santoriniou, and Ernesto Ortiz – thank you for the big hearts that you have and for all that you have taught me – may books can be written with the wisdom you carry.
I want to express my highest gratitude and love to all of my teachers, especially to Gabrielle Orr, who have put their heart and passion into spreading their knowledge to people. The goal is not to keep the wisdom among a few selected ones; the goal is to have everyone empowered with the wisdom, knowledge and freedom of our eternal source. What I’ve learned, can be learned by any. I encourage each and every one of you to learn how to read energy and communicate with the Akashic field. My path has been unique and the beautiful synchronicities, people and “aha” moments are the pearls that make it shine so brightly. Let us all shine our true essence, radiate our divine truth and be our unique divine expressions here, now, on Earth.
In Love and Light,
Yana, Your JoyRide Coach
Contact Me
Yana Mileva